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Dresden is the capital of Saxony Land state in eastern Germany. It is the third largest city in eastern Germany after Berlin and Leipzig. Dresden lies in the broad basin of the Elbe River between Meissen and Pirna, 19 miles (30 km) north of the Czech border and 100 miles (160 km) south of Berlin.
Dresden has three major elements to their economic atmosphere. The first is the semi-conductor industry, with major enterprises such as AMD’s Globalfoundries, Infineon Technologies, ZMD, and Toppan Photomasks. The factories attract material suppliers and clean room technology enterprises to Dresden. The second is the pharmaceutical sector with businesses like The Sächsisches Serumwerk Dresden (Saxon Serum Plant, Dresden), which is owned by GlaxoSmithKline, a world leader in vaccine production. Another traditional pharmaceuticals producer in the city is Arzneimittelwerke Dresden (Pharmaceutical Works, Dresden). The third piece of their economy is mechanical and electrical engineering. Major employers in this sector are the Volkswagen Transparent Factory, EADS Elbe Flugzeugwerke (Elbe Aircraft Works), Siemens, and Linde-KCA-Dresden. Tourism is another sector of the economy enjoying high revenue and many employees. There are over a hundred large hotels in Dresden with many of them in the upscale range. For all of these sectors there are varying options for supporting office space.
The Deutsches Hygiene-Museum offers a fascinating permanent exhibit that is a virtual journey through the body. The exhibit draws from anatomy, cultural studies, social science, history, and scientific research. At the museum you can learn about various aspects of the human experience, from eating, drinking and thinking—to remembering, moving, grooming and dying. One highlight of the exhibit is the Gläserne Mensch, the first transparent human model that is complete with bones, muscles and arteries. In Dresden, it makes perfect sense that one of the city’s best restaurants located in the Transparent Factory of Volkswagen. This is a stunning glass structure where you can witness new models of cars being assembled by workers in white lab jackets. The elegant restaurant offers delights such as apple curry soup with baked spring chicken, or lobster soup with angler fish and mango cream.
Dresden is right in the middle of an extensive railway system. It has an airport, and is connected by the Elbe River with the inland waterway system as far as Hamburg and into the Czech Republic. The Dresden-Klotsche airport lies 10km (6 miles) north of the city centre. Dresden has two main rail stations, the Hauptbahnhof - on Wiener Platz, and the Dresden-Neustadt - at Schlesischer Park.
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